Can knowledge about the mechanisms of LTP be exploited to devise rational therapies for neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease?
He imagined that someday "rational medical therapy" would consist of manipulation of the musculoskeletal system, surgery, and very sparingly used drugs.
Still, as more such agents are developed, "it's the beginning of more rational therapy," said Dr. Gregory Burke, global head of development for Novartis's oncology unit.
We will understand the mechanism of disease sufficiently to do rational therapy.
Originally called rational therapy, its appellation was revised to rational emotive therapy in 1959, then to its current appellation in 1992.
His view, that emotions must be detached from external cause in order to master them, presages rational emotive therapy.
Microbiology of community-acquired bacterial pneumonia in persons with and at risk for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection: implications for rational empiric antibiotic therapy.
Albert Ellis' system, originated in the early 1950s, was first called rational therapy, and can (arguably) be called one of the first forms of cognitive behavioral therapy.
In 1832 William Brooke O'Shaughnessy had proposed saline injections as a way of restoring salts lost through the bowels, which today is considered a rational therapy.
Ellis credits Alfred Korzybski, his book, Science and Sanity, and general semantics for starting him on the philosophical path for founding rational therapy.