"Driving with the rearview mirror: on the rational science of institutional design", International Organization, vol.
Astrology, however, does not operate like rational science, for it seeks to confirm its theories, and nothing ever seems to count against them.
They are neat picture books of propaganda which aims to visual arouse the reader?s feelings rather than to convey rational science.
Does rational science have room for irrational belief?
Now, in the division of a rational science the difference between objects that require different principles for their cognition is the difference on which everything turns.
Rudolph stresses that religious studies must be rational science and therefore has a duty to subject itself to a methodological atheism.
People would have to choose between mythology and rational science.
The very possibility of a rational science of nature is usually considered to depend on a uniformity in the relations between cause and effect.
He was an intelligent fellow as he earned the knowledge of rational sciences.
Some say that we practice magic, but in truth ours is a rational science.