A ratio less than 1 or much greater than 1 can give clues about problems in the body.
This ratio also gives some idea of whether an investor is paying too much for what would be left if the company went bankrupt immediately.
A 7:1 ratio gives both a pleasing shape and sufficient depth to be useful as a fruit bowl.
The ratio of the horizontal speed versus the vertical speed gives the same answer.
Some workers (Eidt especially), think that the ratios between these pools can give information about past land use, and perhaps even dating.
That ratio, if he hadn't missed all of those games, would give him an additional 514 hits, putting him well beyond 3,000.
His 1987 ratio also gives Ryan three of the top six one-season marks.
Their small size, and therefore large surface-to-volume ratio, gives them an advantage in nutrient poor water.
The ratio gives an estimate of the credit quality of the project from a lender's perspective.
The ratio of the two numbers gives the ratio of the masses.