The rating on the Chase Manhattan Corporation's debt was lowered yesterday by Standard & Poor's, a day after Moody's took similar action.
Midlantic Banks Inc. and the First Fidelity Bancorporation, institutions with large real estate loan portfolios, were among those that saw their ratings lowered.
On-resistance: A higher current rating lowers the on-resistance due to greater numbers of parallel cells.
The recalculated ratings were higher than the original marks and lowered that penalties that Ford and G.M. had been assessed for falling short of the fuel-economy standards set under the Environmental Policy and Conservation Act of 1975.
When the plot become more confusing and the ratings further lowered, the channel aired a series of shorts where famous first actress Amalia Pérez Díaz resumed and explained the plot in a didactic way.
The next biggest group was nine Scandinavian banks, with a total of $32 billion of debt that had its credit ratings lowered.
They said some had also had their ratings lowered after more of their assets were identified as being in trouble, which required them to post additional reserves on their financial statements.
The Mayor in turn does not want the rating lowered because, embarrassment aside, a lower rating would mean higher interest rates on money the city borrows.
In 1976 the eligibility requirements were made slightly less strict, with the required rating for adult masters lowered to 2300.
Skills listed in the Table may have their difficult ratings raised or lowered after evaluation by the FIG Technical Committee.