Elley rates the film overall at 7 out of 10.
TV Guide rated the film 3 out of 4 stars.
The Times rated the film four out of five stars.
Ebert rated the film 3 out of a possible 4 stars.
Indicine.com rated the film at 4 out 5, saying the movie is a fun ride and is well worth the ticket money.
Andrew Male rated the film two out of five in Empire.
Time Magazine rated the film as among Top 10 movies of the year 2010.
Overall the response was positive and they rated the film 2 stars out of 3.
Idlebrain.com, a movie news site, rated the film 3.5 out of 5, also predicting that it would "smash records in the days to come".
Rotten Tomatoes currently rates the film at 57%, higher than its predecessor.