However, the sixth form was only rated satisfactory.
In the November 2005 Ofsted inspection the school was rated Satisfactory, point three on a four point scale.
Since 1989, city records show, the company's overall performance on 11 city contracts was rated satisfactory.
In the 2007 inspection it was rated good and satisfactory in all aspects.
Under their current contract, principals are rated satisfactory or unsatisfactory, and critics say even poor principals are rarely penalized.
About 19 percent of savings and loans were rated less than satisfactory, and only 5.4 percent received the highest rating.
In the Ofsted report, following their September 2009 inspection, the school was rated Satisfactory, point three on a four point scale.
We want the spotlight shone on these schools - the schools rated good or satisfactory when in fact they are neither.
If principals deemed failing were rated satisfactory by superintendents, the department "better be prepared to fire superintendents," Ms. Levy said.
In 2005-2006, Central High School was rated Satisfactory by the Oregon Department of Education.