That rate of increase would require a Seabrook-sized plant every year or two.
The new rates, effective today, do not require weekend use of the car and are for businesses travelers not covered by corporate rental contracts.
These rates require reservations made about a week in advance.
As workpiece size increases, the scan rate might require being decreased, in order to fully capture accurate resonance data.
But dentists say achieving such high rates requires rejecting a large number of potential patients whose jaws are not healthy enough to make success likely.
However it was not very effective as its slow rate of fire and lack of a time fuze required a direct hit to damage targets.
The $199 rate requires reservations by next Saturday; (866) 363-9011 or
The new rates, geared to entice vacationers, require keeping the car over a Saturday night.
That lower rate, however, would require the payment of a "loan discount" of 1.875 points.
Their high metabolic rates require considerable amounts of food, and they are carnivores with an almost insatiable taste for fresh meat.