From 1940 to 1960, Scandinavia used psychosurgery at a rate of about two-and-a-half times the rate of the United States.
This strategy may have greatly contributed to the stabilization and lowering of the rate of change in CPI or the rate of inflation.
Its average rate of inflation rather than the specific rate of inflation for each individual poster on this website on a Tuesday in December.
In studies that take poverty into account, he said, "the differences in the black rate of violent crime and the white rate almost go away."
"This would be the highest rate of absolute child poverty since 2001/02 and the highest rate of relative child poverty since 1999/2000."
The rate of local revenue to be shared and the rate of tax on portions of payrolls over $98 million remained 50 percent each in the management proposal.
The body rate r is made up of the rate of change of sideslip angle and the rate of turn.
Other exchange rates used here are the 1969 rate of 0.41667£:1$ and the 1967 rate of 3.9866DM:1$.
The low rate of growth and the high rate of unemployment.
"Assuming that (the study's) rates are representative of the average weekly rate over the year, this equates to... 273 tonnes of bushmeat," they calculated.