Some companies are unwilling to take the promises of a bank rated so low.
Typically most bonds rated that low when they are issued default within a few years.
The Yankees' management was not happy to see its vaunted brand rated so low.
Nobody seems to mind; as an aberration it rates low, on a level with Christianity or driving carefully.
Ford said "When umpires are rated low, you know they haven't kissed up to anyone."
Five is average; food rated lower than that is unacceptable - you would not want to eat it again.
However, when energy policy and climate change are compared to other issues, they are rated extremely low in terms of importance.
The same player rated low by one team may be rated higher by another.
And the quality of what is available is rated low by 52 percent of firefighters.
In recent years, the 1980 and 1984 Bordeaux were rated relatively low: 5 and 4 out of 10, respectively.