The rate compares with a 5.5 percent increase in 1987.
Average daily rates sound ludicrous compared to actual rates in high season, but they are country-wide averages.
Didsbury's 48% rate of full-time employment compares with 33% in Manchester and 41% across the whole of England.
That anemic rate compares with average growth of 12 to 13 percent a year between the 1984 breakup of A.T.&T. and 1990.
The 5.2 percent national jobless rate compares with 7.3 percent four years ago on the eve of the last Presidential election.
How does the rate of exchange compare with that quoted daily in newspaper foreign currency charts?
The rate of GAG replenishment observed in this study compares well with published synthesis data.
New York State's rate of 7.5 percent last month compared with 7.8 percent in June, according to the report.
The jobless rate compares with 10.5 percent in July.
This rate of school completion compares unfavorably with both state and national figures, and the trial court considered it symptomatic of "system breakdown."