Cytochrome P450 isoenzymes involved in rat liver microsomal metabolism of californine and protopine.
And researchers say that tests involving the exposure of mouse skin and rat livers to chemicals are becoming reliable.
All sorts of substances and tissues could act as inducers; from rat liver to heat-killed neural tissue itself.
Histopathologic effects on rat liver were reported after both short- and long-term exposure.
This theory has been supported by a series of discoveries from rat livers, human leukocytes, etc.
Geniposide from Gardenia enhanced glutathione content in rat livers.
Peroxisomes of plants and of rat liver are very different in the way they operate.
Galanga moderated the inflammatory and pathologic effects of fructose in rat liver.
It has been reported to have antiinflammatory effect, and to improve blood flow and mitotic activity in thioacetamide-traumatized rat livers.
The rat liver has a number of enzymes involved in toluene metabolism [ 49 ] .