Campbell Island, New Zealand, the largest successful rat eradication.
In the early 1970's, Mr. Dupree said, there were 500 employees, as well as 200 welfare workers involved in rat eradication.
I gather the rat eradication on South Georgia is going well.
"They bite children," Councilman Bill Perkins said at a City Council hearing on rat eradication.
Numbers of tawāpou, and the proportion of tawāpou trees in forest vegetation, will increase after rat eradication on any island that still retains tawāpou trees" (Campbell et al., 1999:280).
This was the world's largest rat eradication.
For now, the county is not pursuing wholesale rat eradication.
Breaksea is six times the size of the previous largest island on which rat eradication had been successful.
Since rat eradication various threatened species of New Zealand's native fauna have been introduced, or reintroduced, there.
It was one of the first islands where Natural England carried out rat eradication.