Figure 2.2 shows the letter I represented in raster format with one bit per pixel.
Progressive scanning and square pixel capabilities in both raster formats.
DEMs are displayed in a raster format with a matrix.
Each of these technologies uses software that converts the raster formats (bitmaps) into other forms depending on need.
There are generally recognized to be two major sources of error when converting vector maps (either paper or digital) into gridded or raster format.
The term "rasterisation" in general can be applied to any process by which vector information can be converted into a raster format.
Rendering SVG requires conversion to raster format at a resolution appropriate for the current task.
Each geologic unit in raster format can be managed in the data model, in a manner not dissimilar from that shown for the stack-unit map.
The digital geographic data revolution is creating new types of data formats beyond the traditional "vector" and "raster" formats.
For vector graphics this may not strictly be seen as transparency, but it requires much of the same careful programming as transparency in raster formats.