Last week, Vodafone's annual meeting was the scene of a rare spasm of investor rage among opponents of a $15 million bonus awarded to Mr. Gent in the wake of Vodafone's hostile takeover of Mannesmann.
In a rare spasm of co-operation, C and SOE finally ensured that the right frequencies were used, the right equipment issued and the same code employed by Home Station and Out.
"To Farad'n." In a rare, uncontrolled spasm, Jessica surged against the restraints, felt them tighten, easing only when she relaxed, but not before she felt the deadly shigawire concealed in the protective sheathing.
The Arab League, in a rare spasm of coördinated loathing for one of their own, endorsed the idea of a no-fly zone to contain Qaddafi, while France joined the rebel cause outright, and Britain, too, called for action.
Amalfi felt a rare spasm of anger.
This is admirable, in many respects-a rare spasm of personal honor in a pretty heartless business.
Wolfe listened to her footsteps echo down the hall, and in a rare spasm of self-reproach cursed himself for his tactlessness.