I was out in the air, above the clouds and swelling with a rare sense of pride and power.
The Stump, however, was built in less than 150 years, giving it a rare sense of architectural coherence and unity.
The old teamster had given his child a heritage of rare good sense.
It is a rare sense of excitement, hope and promise for a city that has had enough bad publicity to last a lifetime.
Tweed was relieved the American had not lost his rare sense of humour.
I could talk to him with extraordinary freedom and a rare sense of being understood.
He also turned out to have a rare sense of humor.
This used the locution in a rare positive sense, as an activity to be encouraged.
Annie, now 41, has a rare and lucky sense of times getting better, not worse.
All united by a rare, but tangible sense of pan-African unity.