There are the ruins of the Yaozhou Kiln, the remains of Yuhua Palace, and many rare historical relics.
As a rare relic of the Würm ice age, there is a glacial mill west of Turracher Lake.
Its objective is to preserve the rare and unique relics of local architecture, sculpture, metal works, utensils, handwritten scripts on paper and leaf, and commercial products.
The Army Building closed in 1972, a rare Victorian relic in an area that had been rebuilt several times over.
Later mapmakers chose not to copy Dudley's style and so it became a unique and rare relic in the history of cartography.
Currently it is ensconced center stage in the store in a vitrine befitting a rare archeological relic.
There is also a museum of rare ancient relics.
Despite the poor audio quality, the recordings are precious, a rare relic of Joplin.
The church contains a rare relic; the torso of Saint Reparat, deacon and Christian martyr from the 4th century.
He authenticated, salvaged, and preserved abundant rare and valuable cultural relics for the country.