His remarks, which were coolly received, brought a rare and pointed rebuke from the association's chairman even as the Vice President stood nearby.
In a rare rebuke, Mr. Schröder said later, "the executive makes German foreign policy, not the diplomats."
Mr. Yudhoyono's action was a rare rebuke of the Indonesian bureaucracy, which often acts as a power unto itself.
That was against the editor's code of conduct and it prompted Rupert Murdoch to issue a rare public rebuke.
This caused the government of the United States to follow the lead of Chen's political critics and issue a rare rebuke of Chen's actions.
In a rare rebuke, the Supreme Court of India this month ordered the government to expand swiftly the number of nutrition programs in the country.
When he refused to do so, Rosenthal met with Sweden's minister of integration, who issued a rare rebuke of a public official.
An attempt to sack the Chief Justice, Iftikhar Chaudhry, led to a rare rebuke from the courts, which was backed up by mass protests.
They see the court's decision as a rare rebuke to Mr. Bush, and they hope to turn the debate into a broader one over presidential power.
Its closing brought Israel a rare rebuke from the Bush administration.