By Salomon standards, it was almost refined, which is to say that it took its meat rare rather than raw.
He served you the king's cut off the roast, the meat rare and bloody, but with a savory smell that made everyone's mouth water.
If you ordered rare meat, you shouldn't have to eat it well done.
That means you will have rare meat in the thick part, well-done meat at the ends.
For rare meat, grill about 3 minutes a side for steaks less than an inch thick.
Shape into burgers, and grill about 8 minutes total for rare meat, turning once.
He handed her a plate without further comment; his dinner, as usual, was rare (or raw) meat.
The copper taste of extremely rare meat was very strong.
Eating raw or extremely rare meats in large quantities.
In 1995 I was thrilled with this rare, juicy meat that gave the satisfaction of beef without the cholesterol.