"Obviously, I was disappointed with the race," Lukas said, making a rare excursion into understatement.
Eight of their first 10 concerts were in Leeds but a rare excursion saw them appear at the Old Bell pub in Derby.
Treadway said, with a rare excursion into humor.
"It's necessary to pre-sell an initial public offering," he said, in a rare excursion into understatement.
She was so afraid her former companion might somehow find her that she stayed back yesterday while other residents went on a rare excursion, to Rockefeller Center.
A plump, gray-black pigeon of the ubiquitous type sat on them round the clock, with only a rare excursion now and then, for food, we assumed.
There were no fields in sight; forest stretched all around the yard, broken only by the dirt track meandering northward, used for rare excursions to the city.
Instead of the country tweeds that were his uniform, he seemed to have gone to a great deal of trouble for this rare excursion into the outside world.
Making a rare excursion into campus activism, the professor gave a lecture on the question: Can Communist systems reform?