Ravidas was a Bhagat and a guru, which in itself is a rare entity in history or even in today's environment.
It is a "rare surviving entity that represents the once prevalent German immigrant community that thrived for more than a century".
"eG"'s are relatively rare commercial entities in Germany.
Killeen had always visualized water as a glorious, rare, placid entity.
Shone's syndrome is a rare entity that is said to pose a major threat on the left ventricle.
Hemosuccus pancreaticus is a rare entity, and estimates of its rate are based on small case series.
A rare entity presenting 17 years post hysterectomy.
Jack is indeed a rare entity who, without reservation, assists more individuals in a single day than many of us can help in a lifetime.
A Diagnostician was one of those rare entities whose mind had proved itself stable enough to retain up to ten physiology tapes simultaneously.
Similar tumor histology has also been reported in the pancreas, although it is a considerably more rare entity.