A salad of sticky black rice, shiitake and rare tea-smoked duck might be the most exciting poultry salad in New York.
Q. Long ago in Germany, when you were a young man spotting rare ducks, could you have imagined that you would be 97 years old and still producing important work?
It is home to the Laysan Duck, the rarest duck in the world.
The lakes are one of the most important wintering areas for the rare white-headed ducks (Oxyura leucocephala) in Pakistan that comes here from Central Asia.
In taking our order, the waitress asked, "How do you want your duck, rare or medium rare?"
It is a rare duck, holding territories on fast flowing mountain rivers.
The Madagascar Pochard (Aythya innotata) is an extremely rare diving duck of the genus Aythya.
Anyhow, I've got the greenshank breedin' regularly and the red-throated diver, and half a dozen rare duck.
A pan-fried cottontail isn't the equal of a black duck roasted rare, but it puts a pallid-fleshed chicken to shame.
This year for the first time, a rare duck, an old squaw, was spotted in the area.