With passage of the state budget messy and almost always late, there is a rare consensus for reform.
On this subject, liberals and conservatives have reached a rare consensus: religious beliefs are simply beyond the scope of rational discourse.
But the fact of a single silhouette coming into focus at so many diverse clothiers represents a rare consensus in the world of men's wear.
As the war went badly and the Soviet army approached Romania's borders, a rare national consensus was achieved.
Since Littleton, a rare consensus has developed that the American love affair with guns has to cool down.
In a rare consensus among police, courts and charities, almost all experts agree that the current laws designed to deal with dangerous dogs should be scrapped.
Goldscheider, who's a pro-choice Democrat, has found that her proposal provokes a rare bipartisan consensus.
In fact, these conservative efforts are part of an emerging and rare consensus to work with a population that has long been the focus of liberal groups.
However, as the President of a young democratic country, I cannot fall victim to the feeling of self-satisfaction with this rare political consensus.
In the city's continuing discussion of police behavior, it represented a rare consensus: there had been progress.