They have arrived in a rapidly gentrifying neighborhood.
At the time, the neighborhood was rapidly gentrifying, but wasn't anywhere near as safe as it is now.
As in other rapidly gentrifying areas, almost every new sale sets a new record for the block.
The island was also surrounded by rapidly gentrifying residential neighborhoods.
Until recently, the area was primarily a slum, but is now rapidly gentrifying due to an influx of Temple students during the past several years.
It used to be a state housing neighbourhood for low-income families, but it is rapidly gentrifying.
As a result, industrial employment in the old working class inner suburbs declined, with these areas rapidly gentrifying in the 1990s and 2000s.
About a dozen years ago the avenue started gentrifying rapidly.
It is gentrifying rapidly, and a number of upscale restaurants have opened in the Square.
An empty building is worth a lot more money in rapidly gentrifying Hoboken than a building with tenants.