No doubt this rapid-fire sequence of horrifying stories is supposed to mean that Precious has finally found a community of friends with shared experiences.
Her attention now was focused on her console and the rapid-fire sequences of commands she was making to the station's central computer.
Not so in the rapid-fire sequence of the terminal-phase breakup of the comet.
No one would have understood them, Marge thought as her fingers selected the keys in rapid-fire sequence.
It consisted of several one-liners delivered in rapid-fire sequence.
The crew also took pictures of a rapid-fire sequence of steering-jet blasts.
These takes are edited in a rapid-fire sequence that enhances the comic effect.
Several energy streamers, bright orange, one after the other in rapid-fire sequence, lanced outward toward the asteroid.
It came back to her in a rapid-fire sequence of impressions she had never quite sorted out and wasn't sure she wanted to.
Old hands at Hollywood advertising say this rapid-fire sequence of events is nothing but business as usual.