Tell these people who have rapid transportation to keep moving.
For we can't help feeling that Nemesis has a particular attraction to the unknown, to exotic locales and rapid transportation.
Coca has a much longer shelf-life than that of fruit crops, which require rapid transportation.
The main advantages of Air ambulance by helicopters is getting a rapid medical transportation.
Personal rapid transportation may be coming to a city near you in the future.
You are bound to have some exports which will require special and rapid transportation.
They are intended primarily for carrying passengers, and as a means of rapid transportation, since the trams usually have priority over the remaining traffic.
The provision of services during public duties are not limited to first aid; ambulances are provided in most events for rapid transportation.
The society, as it existed, was an intricate structure which rested, in large part, upon rapid transportation and instant communication.
"I think it would facilitate things if we had rapid Mundanian transportation."