Instead of warm guts, however, pages of information spilled out, only the top one damaged by his rapid opening of the gator.
Two other Ezra Cornell-founded, Ithaca institutions played a role in the rapid opening of the university.
And they say the recent uproar over foreign investment is just a hiccup for a country learning to adjust to the rapid opening of its economy since 1998.
In turn, Chinglish gets duplicated across society, particularly now during today's period of rapid opening to the outside world and the widespread use of English.
Metallurgy was not what it is today, and the rapid opening and closing of the valves against the cylinder heads led to rapid wear.
Mishandled, a rapid opening of the market to foreign competition could worsen China's precarious economic condition.
The latter allows easy, rapid opening and closing of the collet.
One involves the rapid opening of blocked blood vessels so that circulation is restored before a shortage of oxygen can cause permanent damage.
Consequently, the church became a significant ally of Mexican citizens and politicians pushing vigorously for a rapid electoral opening.
Companies around the world have been scrutinizing the rapid opening of Vietnam's markets.