"I have that," Hubble nodded, scribbling rapid notes with a pencil.
He then made some rapid notes on the pad in front of him, and underlined them.
The song is series of rapid chipping notes and these can go on for long periods.
Calls are usually a series of 3-4 rapid repeated notes and varying in length with the tone rising then falling rapidly.
It is a versatile instrument capable of playing rapid running notes or arpeggios.
For a while we were all lost in our own thoughts, standing on the bridge and listening to the rapid note of the engines.
He made a few rapid notes upon paper in front of him, and then said shortly: "Is everybody here?"
A Jordanian reporter broke down in tears as she scribbled rapid notes.
The field strength was 117.56, and I made a rapid note of this.
He makes rapid notes on a small pad of paper he takes from his breast pocket.