Tables of common logarithms were used until the invention of computers and electronic calculators to do rapid multiplications, divisions, and exponentiations, including the extraction of nth roots.
Cell repair depends on a chemical called telomerase to fix the chromosomes' broken ends, and by reactivating telomerase production, the cancer cells aid in their own rapid multiplication.
The hermaphroditic adults produce eggs every 1-30 seconds, resulting in the rapid multiplication of inhabitants in the liver.
But rapid multiplication is also a feature of important blood and immune system cells, and they, too, are killed by these therapies, so dosages must be limited.
Developed tissue culture protocols for rapid multiplication of orchids, medicinal plants, bamboos and rattans leading to reintroduction and restoration of many of them.
Death of amoebae within the lower respiratory tract would result in the release of large numbers of bacteria at a temperature that favours their rapid multiplication.
The kinetic energy stimulates the rapid multiplication of the stimuloid's artificial cells, causing it to grow significantly in size with a proportionate increase in strength and resistance to damage.
How can viruses induce cells to enter the cycle of rapid multiplication that then leads on to the development of a tumour?
This representation allows rapid multiplication and division, but may require shifting by a power of 10 during addition and subtraction to align the decimal points.
To facilitate rapid multiplication, new pluot trees are now being asexually produced from cuttings of extant ones.