The Task Forces are organized within each patrol borough and specialize in rapid mobilization for disorder control.
"When you eliminate excess military productive capacity, the day may come when it is not available for rapid mobilization in wartime."
Just as with early abortion rights successes in 1970, surprising triumphs led to rapid mobilization of angry adversaries and quick reversals.
With 11 Bd2, White gives up a pawn in return for rapid mobilization, a confrontation that has attracted great attention in recent years.
The volunteer Army and rapid mobilization have put religious leaders at a disadvantage.
In this low demand group only a short period of immobilization is indicated as rapid mobilization improves functional outcome.
"One of their big approaches was to have rapid mobilizations on their part, so we needed to be able to respond to that," Mr. Kelly said.
Through the remainder of the revolution, militias moved to adopting the minuteman model for rapid mobilization.
The North Island location was designed to allow rapid mobilization and transport of these vessel worldwide.
And most worrisome, must both sides stay primed for rapid mobilization?