This was done to facilitate rapid evacuation.
Reducing head trauma may also help the passenger stay conscious, which is also essential for rapid evacuation after the crash.
As a result, there was a rapid evacuation and organized follow-up on 9/11 that helped mitigate the terrible tragedy.
It may be that you'll have to contact Starfleet and ask for the rapid evacuation and relocation of all our people.
Although the damage was widespread, casualties were comparatively low, thanks to early warnings and rapid evacuations.
The rapid evacuation, and early expert medical attention, saved Bhuppi's life.
Escape capsules were added to the two remaining towers, allowing rapid evacuation.
It indicated a rapid evacuation of a relatively undamaged ship, even though our sensors showed no radiation or fire hazard.
Our Klingon allies have proven themselves to be the champions of the rapid evacuation.
Their assignment was to start developing the procedures for a rapid evacuation of their living quarters, in case such action ever became necessary.