Although most affected countries have instituted measures aimed at more rapid detection and control of the disease, much more needs to be done.
It allows rapid detection on the first day of fever, before antibodies appear some 5 or more days later.
The continuity check mechanism allows rapid detection of communication media failure, or node crashes.
Consequently, IMC can be used for easy, rapid detection of bacteria in the medical field.
Current programmes revolve around rapid detection, diagnosis and slaughter.
Automated analysis of the well fluorescence allows for rapid detection of autoantibodies.
An automated front-end monitor for anthrax surveillance systems based on the rapid detection of airborne endospores.
Viruses disperse quickly, meaning a global surveillance network is essential to ensure rapid detection.
Careful monitoring with a test kit will enable rapid detection of raised ammonia or nitrite levels.
A potential benefit of this challenge is the rapid detection and diagnoses of disease exposure.