After reaching peak intensity, satellite imagery revealed a rapid degradation in Bertha's structure.
This results in a rapid degradation of the contaminant.
The broken curve shows the percentages of access to synonyms as more random additions are made, demonstrating how rapid the degradation is.
The rapid degradation and limited mechanical properties of polyanhydrides render them ideal as controlled drug delivery devices.
It is not wrestling, but the rapid moral degradation and loss of any resemblance of a value system in our society that needs to be addressed.
However, China is now faced with a number of other socioeconomic problems, including an aging population, an increasing rural-urban income gap, and rapid environmental degradation.
"Part of the danger is bit rot," he said, referring to the relatively rapid degradation of the original storage material.
Hispanic communities would squeeze the most dollars out of their communal lands, leading to rapid degradation, he said.
We must consider setting an explicit time frame for protecting forests and halting their rapid degradation.
Faults in its constructions and inheritance problems led to a rapid degradation.