They pass from hand to hand with a more rapid circulation than any other.
The vacuum at the tail will assure us a very rapid circulation, even if the centrifugal pump action of the en-dosed generator isn't enough.
The letters indicate in particular the wide and rapid circulation of villancicos between different cathedrals.
Printing allowed for multiple exact copies of a work, leading to a more rapid and widespread circulation of ideas and information (see print culture).
Gresham's law that "bad money drives out good" suggests that demurrage fees would mean that a currency would suffer more rapid circulation than competing forms of currency.
On the other hand, the rapid circulation of air throughout the globe results in a ready mixing and remarkably constant content of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Helium is extremely inert both chemically and with respect to nuclear reactions but has a low heat capacity, necessitating rapid circulation.
He thus endeavoured to secure a very rapid circulation of capital, his motto being "small profits and quick returns".
They are springs rather than geysers because rapid underground circulation dissipates their energy.
UK foreign policy will be shaped by the three big challenges I have set out today: a power shift, globalisation of problems, and the rapid circulation and potency of ideas.