He hunted down the rape victim in Philippine and have her appear in a video denying the rape incident.
A few days later, the report said, the girl and her parents came in to report the rape incident.
The rape incident contrasts with Max's sadomasochistic encounters with "willing" women.
He learns of his parents' rape incident decades prior, exacerbating his rebellion and independence.
This potential increase of reporting rape incidents became the main rationale for seeking anonymity for the victim.
"After the reports of the rape incident in Okinawa, people here became concerned."
The alleged rape victim in Philippine volunteered to appear in a video denying the rape incident.
What about the rape incident?
At one point, Sadie faked a rape incident as a means of bringing her and Kavanaugh back together.
Pakistani sources claim the number is much lower, though having not completely denied rape incidents.