He joined the group, which soon peaked on the rap charts with light-hearted, sometimes lascivious rap tunes.
Transcendental Rap Arrested Development's "Tennessee" hit the top of the rap charts this week.
(Caulfield explains that he counts "Buffalo Stance" because it made the top 20 on the rap chart.)
The album also began the subgenre of G-funk, a slow, drawled form of hip hop that dominated the rap charts for some time.
This one hit number one on the rap charts in 92.
The single "When in Love," which has broken the Top 10 on the rap charts in Billboard, mixes pop and rap with singing.
The song became a major hit for 2 Live Crew, topping the rap charts and going to No. 26 on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1989.
"Tap the Bottle," a new song celebrating the consumption of 40-ounce malt liquor, has become a hit on the rap charts.
The track also peaked at number ninety-three on the R&B/hip-hop chart and number sixteen on the rap chart.
The song also reached the top of the rap chart and peaked at No. 5 on the R&B chart.