Eminem is expected to dominate the rap field at this year's Grammy Awards, winning in four of the five rap categories.
Dee, the Recording Academy placed Arrested Development and Drake in the rap category.
Arrested Development suggested that the rap category be further subdivided into pop, hard core and Afrocentric rap.
As a result of the controversy, the Juno Awards moved the rap category to the main ceremony the following year.
In other fields Busta Rhymes and Eminem were nominated in every rap category.
At the 1998 Grammy Awards, Life After Death and its first two singles received nominations in the rap category.
In 1988, it (again, belatedly) added a rap category.
There are so many rising stars, especially in the rap category.
Two years ago, the organization introduced a rap category, which is being expanded from one to two awards.
The Music Awards has just recently added a rap category to its show.