The debt I owe you, the debt you've been ranting about.
The one she hadn't seen for twelve years, had been ranting about, who never raised a finger to help and left it all to Nancy?
But the twist is precisely the sort of storytelling I've been ranting about.
All the bleeps made it hard to understand what Knight was ranting about.
"I mean the one you were ranting about."
If the Collegium is locked up, Sublime can't do the crazy stuff he keeps ranting about.
"What the hell are you ranting about?"
We haven't seen any signs of this so-called mustering of troops you've been ranting about.
"Wherever he is, I hope he never gets a chance to carry out that revenge he was ranting about."
From her window, Sondra could see them, the ones that Gimli always ranted about.