But this manifesto is the rankest sort of Communist propaganda.
The continued effort of the Tobacco Institute to get Americans to ignore the best available science represents corporate irresponsibility of the rankest sort.
Go-Toba saw this attack as both ingratitude of the rankest sort and the culmination of a series of affronts, this latest being petty resentment at what Go-Toba would have seen as a flimsy pretext for attempting to get out of the poetry competition.
In the original article, he wrote that "the ballclub possesses eerie, bewitching powers over its players" and that "'Cubness'...is synonymous with the rankest sort of abject failure, and is a condition chronic among all Cubs, past and present."
But to McCarthy supporters, Mr. Kennedy's decision was the rankest sort of ruthless opportunism, arrogance and political cynicism: a precursor of the angry reactions to Gary Hart's re-entry into the Presidential race of 1988.
"There may be still more places filed in the same way," suggested the other pilot, looking as black as a thunder-cloud; because such an act was in his mind the rankest sort of treachery, worthy of only the most degraded man.
In a rare editorial about an album's contents, Billboard magazine described "Death Certificate" as "the rankest sort of racism and hatemongering."
No one seemed inclined to argue, though to Videssian ears that was pagan superstition of the rankest sort.
It's just cannibalism combined with the rankest sort of superstition.