Now the wind blowing down mountain brought a trace of rank scent.
Her presence in the tree was heralded by the fact that its pretty flowers drove away their insect suitors by releasing a rank scent.
His horse moved closer, caught the rank scent of blood, and galloped away.
He nuzzled it briefly, trying not to wrinkle his nose at the man's rank scent, before putting his head down in the water again.
He could only hope that the Rat- tons might betray their arrival by the noise of their coming, their rank scent.
Mingolla's clamped hand was slick with the Cuban's saliva, his nostrils full of the man's rank scent.
It stirred up the rank scent of the marsh, and Larissa grimaced.
The perfume of arousal changed to the rank scent of violence - and fear.
Suddenly a whiff of rank scent brought Furtig to a halt, crouching in the bushes.
My mind ran to and fro, coursing a rank scent.