In the 2007 season, they ranked third in attendance among all Division 1 volleyball programs, averaging 5,050 fans over 18 matches.
The college is home to the University's highly ranked programs in the traditional fields of engineering at the undergraduate and graduate level.
Kent State also has a nationally recognized fashion design program and nationally ranked programs in library science and business.
The system ranks programs based on more than 50 indicators, such as teaching and learning conditions, scientific research, career development opportunities, prestige, and material resources.
You simply ranked programs in order of preference and didn't try to game the system.
It has nationally ranked programs in chemistry, psychology and speech communications.
The university has dozens of highly ranked programs.
For one, he required all government agencies rank proposed programs and cut low-priority spending.
As it stands now, Rentrak, which ranks programs using actual counts of viewers, releases only data that its cable clients approve.
All three institutions where Beck coached had historically losing teams before he turned them into nationally ranked programs.