In 2010, the Buffalo Academy of the Sacred Heart was ranked 3rd out of 133 high schools in terms of academic performance.
When I.S. 10 closed for good in June, it ranked 178th out of 179 middle schools in the city.
In 2011, the Fraser Institute ranked St. John Brebeuf Regional Secondary as 287th out of 316 British Columbia high schools.
The school had been ranked 302nd in 2008 out of 316 schools.
The magazine ranked the school 166th in its 2008 rankings out of 316 schools statewide.
What's more, the school ranked 618th out of 622 elementary schools in New York City in reading scores and had what one school official called "the worst discipline problem imaginable."
It ranked 25 out of 298 schools in the British Columbia and the Yukon according to the Fraser Institute Studies in Education Policy in 2006-2007.
The school was ranked 248th out of 316 public high schools in New Jersey in the magazine's 2006 rankings.
The school was ranked 2nd in the magazine's 2006 rankings out of 316 schools included across the state.
The magazine ranked the school 219th in 2008 out of 316 schools.