The high school is ranked 374th out of 606 public high schools in Pennsylvania.
Ranked 12th out of 18 high schools in IU16 region for reading.
For the 2009-2010 school year, Orange was ranked 14th in academics in Ohio out of 658 schools.
In 2009, the high school's 11th grade ranked 103rd out of 123 western Pennsylvania high schools.
In 2005, the high school was ranked 384th out of 606 public high schools in Pennsylvania.
Marriotts Ridge has been ranked 14th out of 225 public high schools in Maryland.
In 2010, the school's 6th grade ranked 80th out of 106 local schools.
This was a significant improvement from 2009-2010 when it was ranked 354th out of 376 public high schools.
Weddington ranked 1497th out of 1623 national schools.
They finished the season ranked third out of more than 300 high schools in the state by the Star Ledger's Top 20.