"I dislike intensely and have been pretty sharply critical of efforts to rank institutions on a single scale," Dr. Bennett said.
In 2013, the University ranked 9th in the top 10 higher education institutions in India by Times Higher Education World University Rankings.
That has recently changed, and the school is now rapidly gaining a reputation for helping pupils win scholarships to highly ranked institutions like St Paul's School, Lancing College and Benenden.
In the 2011 Businessweek survey the school ranked 22nd nationally and 7th among public institutions.
The institutional table ranks institutions according to their performance in the subject tables, but considers two other factors when calculating overall performance.
Full, interactive versions of the tables, including extra student data and the option to rank institutions according to different criteria, are available online at EducationGuardian.co.uk/universityguide2005.
The guide, published each fall, ranks institutions of higher education for quality and for value.
The Sunday Times university league table ranks institutions using the following eight criteria:
(He praises the website of the American Medical Student Association - www.amsascorecard.org - which ranks institutions according to their COI policies, writing that it makes him "feel weepy.")
The Bears participate in 37 NCAA sports, ranking them third among all Division I institutions for number of sports offered.