The ranks closed behind them, and the little group came on down the path.
The ranks closed up and the formation steadily shrunk as the night wore on.
This manoeuvre failed, and the ranks of the National Party closed firmly than ever around their leader.
He couldn't bellow his words fast enough, and the ranks of resurrected warriors were rapidly closing on him.
Four of my marshals were desperately trying to get our ranks closed as I came up to them.
The front ranks of the massed creatures opened to let her pass, and then closed in again.
The ranks expanded around die casualties, then closed up again with a long ripple.
The men received death without moving from their places, and the ranks closed over the bodies of their comrades.
Now their ranks closed again, as the sea closes and flows calmly on when it has just received a corpse.
Many men fell, but the ranks closed up and marched unflinchingly on.