The distances for the races was selected by the player, and ranged from 10 miles to 500 miles.
He defeated some of the best horses in training over distances ranging from five furlongs to three miles.
The plan is to have eight landing tests at speeds ranging from 160 miles to 230 miles.
Each arc ranges from 45 miles to 120 miles in length.
Its length is a matter of dispute, with published estimates ranging from 1,500 miles to 4,000 miles.
It ranges from 175 miles to about 5,000 miles, with one full circuit of the planet completed every three hours and 10 minutes.
The satellite launched today was thrust into a preliminary orbit ranging from about 104 to 22,300 miles high.
Through June, more than 900,000 visitors have seen the building's views, which range from 25 miles to 80 miles.
He won 19 races over distances ranging from five furlongs to three miles.
The Peace lines range in length from a few hundred yards to over three miles (5 km).