More specifically, a range of officials say, it would constitute a third stage of a decentralization that began in 1980.
"Limited range and endurance, like the man said."
That's because this wouldn't require just detecting one molecule which is difficult enough but a range of molecules, Broffman says.
But some economists and a wide range of businesses say the inventory increases tell a more cheerful story.
A range of senior Army officials have said since the autumn that the Iraq mission could not be sustained without fuller access to the reserves.
The formal range is, to say the least, eclectic, the way things are these days.
"This range," Jack said, and sat looking into the fire.
"And the close range of the shot," Cranston said.
A range of senior officers have said that assessment still stands.
Municipalities need a range of tools to shape and better absorb growth, as well as to say no.