The reasons range from changes in the way people book to a shortage of land on which to build.
At the annual town meeting, which began on April 3, about 500 residents considered 83 articles, ranging from zoning changes to mooring regulations.
Digital enhancements range from changes within the frame to overall color correction.
The aim was to discover what obstacles participants encountered while editing Wikipedia, ranging from small changes to more complicated syntax such as templates.
The programs and displays cover topics ranging from economic changes in photography to digital imaging technology, from new products to copyright law.
Population mobility has implications ranging from administrative changes in government and impacts on local economic growth to housing markets and demand for regional services.
Held in 2002, it asked voters five questions ranging from changes to the constitution to the setting up of a national commission on teaching.
These bundles often need porting ranging from minor changes to significant rewriting.
And Federal policies, ranging from changes in the tax laws to curtailment of rent subsidy programs, discourage the building of affordable housing.
Theories abound, ranging from changes in virulence of streptococci to shifts in living standards, but no theory has been proved.