Not long ago, in fact, a local television station randomly stopped people on the street here and asked: "How is your screenplay going?"
The police may set up a checkpoint at any time, randomly stopping cars, especially those with out-of-state plates.
You can expect higher charges when you randomly stop a cab on the street.
Oh, good, so now the high tech halogen light in my apartment will stop blinking randomly.
Apparently, lights on this floor are dimmer and the elevators would randomly stop at the fourth floor.
Among these, they said, is randomly stopping subway trains in stations, and having uniformed officers walk through each car.
Both Federal Court rulings and state law prohibit the police from randomly stopping vehicles to search for drugs.
So how do you get a person with a gun to stop randomly pointing it at himself and everyone else?
In the late 1950's, village police made a practice of randomly stopping five cars a night.
Police officials randomly stopped cars and arbitrarily exacted instantly invented fines.