Decide randomly who will be the dealer.
Otherwise, if there is at least one surviving member from each team still alive when the round ends, the game randomly decides which team will attack first.
Their social role allows decision risks to be placed outside of the organization and provides a mechanism of quickly randomly deciding between several equally useful options.
If two or more players tie for the highest number of tricks taken they cut cards to randomly decide who calls trumps.
Friend gave me a link a while ago to your site, and I randomly decided to skim through some of it.
Players randomly decide who goes first and reveal their starting vanguards; the player who goes first cannot attack during the first turn.
After selecting a specific attack to use each round, the player must then utilize the Reel System to randomly decide whether the action will take place.
Baylee randomly decided to jump through the screen like the Backst...
Players decide the number of black holes, and then decide randomly which of the squares on the board will be the black holes.
What if tomorrow she randomly decides that she will only eat from round, blue plates?