To people looking only for weather patterns, these unstructured, random piles would mean nothing.
The fire had broken itself all over into random piles of light and was softly falling into ashes.
Kethry rose stiffly and began to scuff the circle into random piles of dirt with the toe of her boot.
A long desk, half-covered with random piles of data cubes, stood against one wall.
Storage cabinets down the lab's center divided the space into two narrow work areas; loose specimens and sample crates dotted the floor in random piles.
The treasure was not hidden in any way, it was simply scattered in random piles on the concrete floor at the end of the tunnel.
The two birds were waddling around their sorry excuse for a nest, which looked for all the world like a random pile of rocks on the ground.
There were no paginations, so Darroch shuffled them into a random pile and placed them on top of the bureau.
If you just make a random pile, it will not support much weight and will not be very tall.
'Normal' materials are like the random pile of bricks.